Don’t you wish you were three ?


Little hands with pudgy fingers

Having fun with playdoh.

Squashing, squeezing,

Patting, rolling.

Modelling things in playgroup,

Or making unusual new stuff.

A bright pink snake.

A blue elephant without legs.

Strawberries good enough to eat,

Make believe food with a made up name.

Going home with Mom.

Tired from all the fun.

Now helping Mom in the kitchen.

Rolling out real cookie dough.

Watching in anticipation

As she shapes the cookies and puts them in the oven.

Watching cartoons on TV while the cookies bake.

Devouring them with milk when they are done.

Yum, yum !

Don’t you wish you were three ?

cookies mother daughter

Images courtesy clipart

Written for:

SoCS — dough, d’o


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