FPQ #51 — How brave are you?


If people find typos or grammatical, punctuation, spelling, or usage errors in your posts, do you welcome having them pointed out to you, or do you resent it. As a blogger do you let people know about such mistakes or do you just let them go?

I feel that you keep learning until your last breath. If you think you know everything, that is the point where you are intellectually dead. The best way to learn is to learn from mistakes, your own as well as those of others. So if anyone points out an error or mistake that I have made I consider it a favour done to me as it gives me the opportunity to correct my mistake and learn from it.

Furthermore, I write many of my posts on the go on my smartphone. This leads to more errors than when I blog on my laptop. Sometimes there are inadvertent errors due to the phone’s auto-correct asserting itself. At other times, I might be typing without my glasses leading to typos galore.

I find that not many people point out mistakes on my posts. Maybe they think that I will mind or maybe they don’t have the time. I myself am guilty on both these counts. I feel that if I point out errors, I might offend someone. Also, it takes time to point them out.

There are some posts where there are lots of errors of punctuation, grammar, spelling and usage. This happens because, like me, English is a second language for most bloggers. In spite of this, the vast majority of posts have only typos.

Fandango has done a good job by raising this issue. In future, I will try to be brave as well as generous with my time so that I can identify errors and point them out.

How about you? Are you brave enough to point out mistakes?



Welcome once again to Fandango’s Provocative Question. Each week I will pose what I think is a provocative question for your consideration. By provocative, I don’t mean a question that will cause annoyance or anger. Nor do I mean a question intended to arouse sexual desire or interest. What I do mean is a question […]

via Fandango’s Provocative Question #51 — This, That, and The Other

18 thoughts on “FPQ #51 — How brave are you?

  1. Brave and generous, the right words to use for this action. Often we shy away for fear of offending others. You’re right we should be more brave and point out the error kindly.

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  2. I would hope readers would point out my errors–although, in poetry sometimes what looks like a mistake/typo, is “creative use of language”; but if it’s a really an error, please tell me that my proof-reading was incomplete 🙂 As far as being brave enough to point out errors on others’ blogs–I avoid it. For one thing, many bloggers are from countries where English is not their “mother tongue”–I don’t wish to discourage them; and for another, I figure some bloggers are busy doing life and blogging, all at once…so I just overlook errors.

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    1. English is not my first language either but I have been lucky that my parents were very proficient.
      I think if you point out errors people will not be offended.
      I just read comments by Beckie and Sadje and they felt the same as you and I.

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  3. It does take some courage to point out errors others have made because you can’t be sure if they’ll be receptive or will be offended. But we are all human, and we all make mistakes, have typos, or even misuse words. I appreciate it when (not if) I make an error and someone points it out to me so that I can fix it.

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  4. I welcome constructive criticism! Even Grammarly doesn’t catch all errors. I audit both of my blogs several times a year and hate it when I see errors. If I see an error in another blogger’s work that is blatant, I let the writer know.

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