5 New Year’s Resolutions I Often Make But Seldom Keep

I will exercise regularly.

In previous years, this resolution was out the door almost as soon as it was made. Last year, I managed to hold on to it for nearly the whole year with fits and starts. One reason was that I was staying at home more due to COVID-19. But mainly it was because I set the bar very low : twenty minute walks.

I will eat healthy.

Every year I try to go on a regimen of more vegetables, fewer carbs and no junk food/cake/cookies/desserts. At the beginning of the year, everyone is still in holiday mode and the Lahore wedding season is at full swing. This makes for a lot of social eating, sabotaging my ambitions.

I will lose weight.

This one is really based on the above two. Over the past five years I have gradually accumulated some extra weight which I resolve to lose every year . Although I have not allowed things to get out of hand, I haven’t been successful either. I hope 2021 sees a difference.

I will adopt a minimalist lifestyle

Every year I aim to declutter my house and my life. I stick to this for a couple of months but then give in to impulse buying by the time spring rolls around. In 2020 things have been a little better. I have not been visiting stores except grocery and pharmacy and I am not in the habit of ordering online.

I will say NO more often

Like most working moms, I have a tendency to take on more than I should. Every year I vow to stop saying yes to more commitments than I can handle but always end up biting off more than I can chew.

Let’s hope 2021 let’s me do more of the things I want to and less of what I have resolved not to.

What about you? Do you make promises to yourself that you have trouble keeping?

I would love to know.

Drop a line in my comments section or write a post of your own. Just remember to tag it


21 thoughts on “5 New Year’s Resolutions I Often Make But Seldom Keep

  1. I swore off resolutions long ago. Instead, I take joy when I do something I know is good for me. It beats beating myself up for not doing something.

    Weight loss is a constant battle. Eating better has been easier because of staying home.

    My exercise is working in my garden when I feel well enough. My feet won’t allow walking, which I used to love.

    I have purged more things since retiring than I have in the last 40 years.

    Saying no is easier now too because I am trying to stay safe.

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  2. Hm. I always enjoyed making new year’s resolutions, but this year I’m not feeling it all. I didn’t feel like Christmas, either. No celebrations for me, thank you. I mean, I did drink champagne with my parents, but I never did that willingly before – perhaps I did it just so that new year doesn’t mean anything for me. I don’t know if I believe in holidays anymore, time feels way more linear to me than it did before. Maybe it’s the pandemic – we didn’t really have a proper kick-off to a new university year, since all classes are online anyway, and we didn’t have Freshers Week the way we always had it. Everything’s just become so blurry to me. Does anybody else feel this way?
    I did enjoy reading about your NY resolutions though! I think they’re very relatable to a lot of people. Health and cutting back (minimalism) are definitely top on many lists of ‘things I want to change’.

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