Blogging Insights NF # 56


” Successful blogging is not about one time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time. ” — David Aston


I like to think that I don’t have “followers” but that I am part of a community. The bloggers and readers who interact with me have become friends over time. They understand my views and ideas better than some of my ‘real life’ friends. So I agree with David Aston that blogging is not about one time hits.

What do you think? I would love to know.

You can leave a reply in my comments section. Better still, why not write a post of your own. Just remember to tag it #blogginginsights

16 thoughts on “Blogging Insights NF # 56

  1. Blogging and reading blogs is a social activity. Far more social than any social media. I dont necessarily view followers as a community. I view the readers who take the time to comment and like my posts as the real community.

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    1. I agree, although there are people who used to comment who only now do so once in a while — and I get it. Their lives have changed. Mine has too. I try to comment more, but then I don’t have time to do anything else and suddenly, I have to decide if I have half a day or or maybe I should work on those photos or write something — and I get so tired just thinking about it, I wind up reading a book and trying to forget the whole thing. It isn’t always easy staying in touch especially when everyone is so far away. Much as I love my online friends, sometimes, I could really REALLY use a hug!

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