Share Your World: Birthday Edition

Share Your World is a prompt created by our late friend, the lovely Melanie and continued by our wonderful friend, Di.

This one is particularly relevant for me since I celebrated my birthday yesterday.

  1. Children aside, do you celebrate your birthday/anniversary or is it just a normal day for you? As a child, I used to count the days to special occasions like birthdays. In adult life, with career and kids, they became one more thing to do. Now that my kids are all young adults, they help me with celebrations. Yesterday was my own birthday and although we had a very small celebration with immediate family, my children made it a day to remember.
  2.  Do/did you always give your child a birthday party when they were young? Not always, I am afraid. By that, I mean not always a big party with their friends. We invariably had one with immediate family.
  3.  If your child was born on Christmas Day (or a few days either side of the 25th), did they have a ‘half birthday’ in June, two presents/celebrations, or something else? We never had the concept of half birthdays.
  4. Would you prefer to give your child a party, or take them and a few friends on a special outing? I always considered a party easier to manage. A few times , we had a party at a restaurant and invited their friends there instead of at home.


I am so grateful for the friends I have made on the blogosphere. They make my life much brighter.

Image credit, Pexels

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