The strain of modern life…

The strain of modern life,Becomes too much to bear at times.
Multi-tasking, over-committing and over-scheduling,
We try to work faster, harder, better.

Glued to our electronic devices
We expose ourselves to eyestrain.
Making our perception cloudy,
This lifestyle makes us miss out on the important things.
Things like spending time with family
And hanging out with old friends.

We also tend not to notice
Certain obvious little joys.
Raindrops, rainbows, the first flowers of spring,
Sunrises, sunsets; so many wondrous things.

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Our Detrimental Lifestyle-what we can do about it.
5 Easy ways to avoid the stress of modern living.
Our tendency for overcommitment
Little Joys.

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22 thoughts on “The strain of modern life…

  1. I would agree that we can certainly become “overconnected”, and that it is good to break away from our screens and enjoy the world around us; however, there is a certain irony in using modern technology to point out the perils of modern technology.

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