5 Things Tuesday: Favourite Rainy Day Activities

It has been pouring cats and dogs in Lahore last week. We are experiencing late monsoon rains. They usually occur in July and August. Torrential rain means we don’t go out unless absolutely necessary, since there is a lot of water on the roads. This week I thought it would be fun to list my favourite rainy day activities.

5 Favourite Rainy Day Activities

Frying Goodies

Lahoris are really into food. We celebrate all events with food. Rainy days are traditionally associated with fried food. We make or buy samosas, pakoras and parathas.

Tea and Coffee

When it’s raining outside, tea or coffee on the balcony or verandah is such a joy. A good book to read is an added bonus.

Watching the Rain

I find it mesmerising to watch the rain whether it is coming down in sheets or is a soft, barely visible drizzle. Watching nature : sunrise , sunset, clouds, can be as interesting as television.


The rain forms a perfect backdrop for sitting on the porch or balcony and reading. Sometimes, on a sunny day, I put on Rainy Day Jazz as I read or work.

Extra Naps

A rainy day makes me sleepy. A nap on a rainy afternoon is a real luxury.

What are your favourite things to do on a rainy day? I would love to know.

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